The Audible Nose: Training Your Newfoundland To Track

by Judi Adler


The Audible Nose: Training Your Newfoundland To Track
By Judi Adler

Without exception, the most extensive tracking book available. Written with Newfoundlands in mind, but applicable for any breed. Full instruction for both TD and TDX level tracking. Over 250 photographs and illustrations. The Audible Nose is entertaining and clear, and its methods are easy to follow. This invaluable book helps you every step of the way, with multiple ideas and solutions for every problem encountered during tracking training. Chapters include how to begin, intermediate tracking, article indication, adding distance, terrain changes and obstacles, aging, motivation, and dozens more. And a vastly expanded index will instantly guide you to the precise information you seek.

The Audible Nose


1. Introduction 1
2. The First Tracking Session 3
3. Where Do We Go From Here? 13
4. The Many Methods of Tracking 32
5. Equipment 34
6. Tech Talk 48
7. Factors That Influence Scent 53
8. Aging 64
9. Distractions 69
10. Surfaces 74
11. Reading Your Dog 82
12. Starts 89
13. Articles 99
14. Corners 109
15. Handling 126
16. Blind Tracks 155
17. Problem Solving 163
18. Mapmaking & Tracklaying 168
19. Motivation 188
20. Fitness 197
21. A Lesson Plan 199
22. Setting Goals & Making Progress 201
23. Tracking With a Group 203
24. Certification 206
25. The Tracking Dog Test 211
26. TDX: Introduction 228
27. TDX: Training & Handling 230
28. TDX: Starts 233
29. TDX: Articles 238
30. TDX: Corners 244
31. TDX: Obstacles 246
32. TDX: Crosstracks 255
33. The Tracking Dog Excellent Test 262
34. Puppy Tracking 265
35. Canadian Tracking 266
36. Practical Applications 268
37. Eighty-Five Gifts for Trackers 269
  Glossary 270
  Source Guide 272
  Index 273
  Photographs 293
  About the Author 294

Second edition, 2007. Softcover, 294 pages.
$40.00 plus $13.00 priority postage

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Judi Adler

12320 SW Malloy Way

Sherwood OR 97140

Phone 503-682-0604